Hire purchase:
VoipTel is offering at its customers the possibility to pèurchase the necessary hardware through comfortable rates of 12, 24, 36 or 48 moths. At the end of the contract, the hardware will be property of the customer.
Leasing purchase:
VoipTel, through its partner Grenkeleasing, is offering at its customers the possibility to obtain a leasing, therefore to cut down dramatically the initial costs during time.
If interested, we ask you to contact our commercial department Tel. 091 9116603 or commerciale@swissvoiptel.ch)
Payment in CHF by Postal Payment Order
Payment: CCP
Beneficiary: VoipTel International SA
CCP: 65-733052-0
Payment in CHF by bank transfer
Beneficiary: VoipTel International SA
Bank: PostFinance, Bellinzona
IBAN CHF: CH55 0900 0000 6573 3052 0
Payment in EUR (€) by bank transfer
Beneficiary: VoipTel International SA
Bank: PostFinance, Bellinzona
IBAN EUR: CH40 0900 0000 9129 3975 8